TASTE IT: Lusty Pirate Cornish Pasty Flavour Crisps

Thursday, 1 July 2010

Sometimes some food creations just boggle your mind so much, however revolting they may sound you simply have to try them; for curiosity's sake if nothing else!

I remember, many moons ago a family trip to our favourite beach one hot summer, in which me my parents, my sister, my aunt, uncle and two of my cousins packed up our cars with our seaside essentials and spent the day basking in the sun. When it came to lunchtime we tucked in to a veritable feast of goodies, including Donut Flavoured Skips. Yes. Skips. The child delighting melt in the mouth prawn cocktail star shaped crisps. Weird and quite frankly horrifying as it sounds they did exist!

It just so happened that it was down to me reminiscing about vile flavour crisps when I was in Tesco Penzance and came across Lusty Pirate Cornish Pasty Flavour crisps. And so it began again.

 Ahoy there me hearties!

Yargh! Ok so with my pathetically lame sense of humour, I actually took great pleasure in  picking up a  bag of Lusty Pirate, although I don't know how lusty the hairy fella on  the front is! I couldn't resist and for the sake of 60 something pence and bringing a mildly interesting post to G&G readers I thought I'd give it a go!

To be fair nothing competes with the nastiness of donut flavour crisps and I'm pretty sure nothing ever will, but in my honest tastebud's opinions, these tasted like any other packet of steak and onion crisps. How someone would recreate the flavouring of pasty pastry on a crisp does nothing but baffle me. Ok, so this was an impulse foody buy, and would lose any enjoyment value if you could purchase it anywhere BUT Cornwall but sometimes food novelties can be fun. If for nothing but a giggle over a Lusty Pirate!


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